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Registration Survival Guide

It is that time of year again - REGISTRATION. In the upcoming days and weeks you will be asked to make some big decisions and tell your counselors which classes you want to take next year. Which ones should you take?

First of all - we recommend that you please let your counselor know that you are a DMAA student and let them know whether or not you wish to remain a DMAA student next year. Let them know this when you see them to register. Go ahead and write DMAA STUDENT on the top of your registration form just so everything is clear. DMAA students get priority registration into PHOTOGRAPHY, ANIMATION, VIDEO and DMAA core subject classes ahead of other students in the school.

Now, if you're a Digital Media Arts Academy kid, and you want to graduate with the highest level of recognition, you should plan to take 3 or more classes (one each year) within a specific discipline. (Animation, Photography or Video) You don't have to take the CORE classes (History / Language Arts) to earn a medallion but we certainly advise it if you want to have a more immersive DMAA experience.

What is the correct sequence of classes within your discipline? Well, the names may change in the next year or two, but right now they are......

Video Production - (1) Video 1, (2) Advanced Video, (3) Film & Documentary Filmmaking

Animation - (1) Animation Projects, (2) Advanced Animation Projects, (3) AP 2D Studio Art (Illustration)

Photography - (1)Beginning Photography, (2) Advanced Photography, (3) AP 2D Studio Art (Photo)

Some classes may have pre-requisites and/or require INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL, so please seek out the correct teacher for their signature. (For example - Advanced Video requires an A or B grade in Video 1 and Instructor Approval)

For your CORE classes (Language Arts and History / Social Science) - please sign up to take the DMAA versions of these classes unless you are planning to take Honors, AP, EL or special education versions of these classes.

There are not special DMAA versions of math, science, P.E. or other elective classes.

What about band, ASB, sports, mock trial, A.V.I.D., the E.D. LAW ACADEMY, P.E., Languages Other Than English, Science, and Math classes? What should I do if I can't fit a necessary or desired class, sport or activity into my schedule? First of all, don't panic or give up without asking. Ask your counselor what your options are. If there don't appear to be any options, then send an email to Mr. Switzer @ and I will look into it. We want to make sure you are aware of all your options before you make such big decisions.

Occasionally, it may be impossible to do everything at the same time. That is just the nature of things. As you get older and further along in school, you may be asked to prioritize and choose between some of the things you want to do.

Remember that the goal of the Digital Media Arts Academy is to prepare students for an entry level career or to prepare them to study digital arts in college and beyond.

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