Registration can be challenging for students, and our Digital Media Arts Academy students often have some of the busiest schedules. Many of our students are also involved in honors, sports, music, choir, theater, and other programs at EDHS. There are so many choices and only a handful of open spots in their schedules. It’s important to understand which classes are needed to complete an academy pathway. This is just the basic information, but if you want to consult with our scheduling professionals, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact our amazing EDHS counseling staff.
The DMAA is part of what our school district and the state call a Career Link CTE Academy. CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. Our DMAA program recognizes students who complete at least one CONCENTRATOR and one CAPSTONE class in at least one of our 4 pathways. The two classes do need to be from the same pathway in order to earn a medallion. The required classes are different for each of the 4 DMAA Pathways. Concentrator classes are usually taken during 10th or 11th grades, and capstone classes are usually taken during the 11th or 12th grades. The Video and Graphic Design pathways offer 4th year honors class options for our most ambitious students.
1. MEDIA PRODUCTION is the pre-academy/introductory class for 9th grade students that meets our schools CAREER PLANNING requirement. CTE labels this class as an introductory course.
2. VIDEO 1 is the DMAA concentrator class.
3. ADVANCED VIDEO is the DMAA capstone class.
4. HONORS FILM - is only available to a select group of 4th-year students who have already completed the concentrator/capstone pathway classes.
For video production, we allow some students who are ready, to take ADVANCED VIDEO twice (instead of Video 1) in order to meet the concentrator / capstone requirement. The optional HONORS FILM class is only available to a select group of 4th-year students who have already completed the concentrator/capstone pathway classes.
1. DIGITAL DESIGN is the pre-academy/introductory class for 9th grade students in the Photography, Graphic Design and Game Art Design pathways.
2. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY is the DMAA concentrator class
3. AP PHOTOGRAPHY is the DMAA capstone class
Photography does offer a 4th year class at this time. AP Photo serves as both the advanced DMAA class for medallions and as an AP/Honors class.
1. DIGITAL DESIGN is the pre-academy/introductory class for 9th grade students in the Photography, Graphic Design and Game Art Design pathways.
2. VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS is the DMAA concentrator class
3. ADVANCED GRAPHIC DESIGN is the DMAA capstone class
4. HONORS GRAPHIC DESIGN is a 4th-year-class only available to those students who have completed the concentrator/capstone pathway classes.
Students wanting to take Honors Graphic Design need to have successfully completed Advanced Graphic Design, so this is usually a class for a select group of 4th year students.
1. DIGITAL DESIGN is the pre-academy/introductory class for 9th grade students in the Photography, Graphic Design and Game Art Design pathways.
2. GAME ART DESIGN is the DMAA concentrator class.
3. ADVANCED GAME ART DESIGN is the DMAA capstone class.
Game Art Design does not offer a 4th year class at this time.