Upcoming Film Festivals and Contests

I challenged my Video 1 students today to do more........ and a student asked me right back..... what contests and challenges are out there for us to do? (It didn't go exactly like that, but the conversation really happened.)
Well, some of these are named after their corporate sponsors, so you may need to click on them to learn what they are really about. Most (after the first two) have huge amounts of prize money. Here you go.......
South Bay Student Film Festival - Entries Due March 31 (all categories)
El Dorado (our school) Film Festival - Entries Due April 8 (all categories)
Hope on Screen Video Competition - Entries Due March 31
(Hope on Screen is a $10,000 competition for one to three-minute videos that creatively explore the role of hope in human life.)
Advocacy in Action - Entries Due March 18th
'My Preparedness Story' 2016 Video Challenge - Entries Due March 28th
Destination Imagination 2016 Video Contest - Entries Due March 29th
2016 Project Yellow Light Scholarship Contest - Entries Due April 1st
Duralife 'Unlocker Challenge' Video Competition - Due April 2nd
Trend Micro 'What's Your Story?' 2016 Contest - Due April 12th
'Stop Texting & Driving' Video Scholarship Contest - Due May 1st