Yorba Linda Film Festival Winners

This past Friday, the Richard Nixon Library hosted the annual Yorba Linda Library Teen Film Festival. A number of El Dorado High School films and filmmakers were recognized.
El Dorado DMAA students won the following awards:
Best Acting, Stunts, & Action - "Los Ninos Exploradores" by KatieAnn O'Keefe '16 and Kaila Sahagun '17
Best Script and Dialogue - "Los Ninos Exploradores" by KatieAnn O'Keefe '16 and Kaila Sahagun '17
Best Direction - "Beyond a Daut" - by Caleb Garrett '17, Kyle Reed '17, Katie Ann O'Keefe '16 & Charles Brunner '16
Best PSA / Advertisement - "Pajamas" - by Caleb Garrett '17, Kyle Reed '17, & Katie Ann O'Keefe '16
Best Costumes, Props, Setting - "One Night Stand" by Jack Massura and Nolan Voge
Best Music Video - "Blame It On Me" by KatieAnn O'Keefe '16 & Kaila Sahagun
Best Documentary - "Guns and America" by Ryan Merrill '16
Best Animation - Charlie Ricotta '16