DMAA Cabinet
Would you like to be a DMAA officer for next year's DMAA Cabinet? The following positions are available:
President: Run meetings, delegate responsibilities.
Vice-President: Helps aid President and takes over when President is not in attendance.
Secretary: Takes notes at monthly meetings.
Treasurer: Keeps track of DMAA budget.
Publicity: Creates notices for DMAA events and updates DMAA website.
Event Coordinator: Coordinates DMAA activities and fundraisers.
Senior DMAA Rep: Rally/ inform DMAA Seniors.
Junior DMAA Rep: Rally/ inform DMAA Juniors.
Sophomore DMAA Rep: Rally/ inform DMAA Sophomores.
Freshman DMAA Rep: Rally/ inform DMAA Freshmen.
Video Correspondent: Updates Video website & aides Video instructor in DMAA activities.
Animation Correspondent: Updates Animation website & aides Anim instructor in DMAA activities.
Photo Correspondent: Updates Photo website and aides Photo instructor in DMAA activities.
Email a photo of yourself and a short paragraph explaining why you'd like to be a part of the DMAA Cabinet. Please include ALL positions you are willing to hold. Nominations must be turned in by Thursday, June 16, 2016 to Final positions will be selected by DMAA instructors and officers will be notified during the summer months.